How to use nouns with positive values in Spanish?

Defining is a very valuable conceptual and linguistic skill in learning a second language, and being specific and very precise will depend on the extent of the vocabulary. This applies even to native speakers. The richness and precision of the vocabulary is acquired with time and effort, because many are satisfied with the basic description. These following nouns are positive values and are worth using to demonstrate the beauty of the world and also of your expression.


Complete the sentences with these nouns: sinceridad, capacidad, sobriedad, agilidad, bondad.


Lo que más se valora en un trapecista del circo es su______________

Lo que caracterizaba a la Madre Teresa de Calcuta era su______________

Lo que más valoran las mujeres en un hombre es su ______________

Lo que más se valora del maletero de un coche es su______________

Lo más característico de la arquitectura Bauhaus es su______________