How to express formality or informality in Spanish?

One characteristic of Spanish and the Hispanic world is the necessary difference between expressing formality or informality depending on the person to whom one is speaking or in the context in which we are.

Practice a little.

Say which of these sentences are formal and which are informal.

1.En la tele: Compre detergente Blanqui para tener la ropa más blanca.
On TV: Buy Blanqui detergent for a whiter wash.

2.En la calle: Para ir a la plaza siga todo recto y gire a la derecha.
In the street: To get to the square, carry straight on and turn right.

3.A un amigo: Ven con nosotros a la playa, mañana va a hacer sol.
To a friend: Come to the seaside with us tomorrow, it is going to be sunny.

4.Al camarero: Cóbreme, por favor.
To a waiter: How much is it, please?

5.A tu hermano: Déjame el libro encima de la mesa, por favor.
To your brother: Pass me that book on the table, please.