Express your love with these phrases in Spanish

El amor / Love

The experience of love is a culturally determined field, because although all cultures feel love, not all live it in the same way.

And even more, between cultures and languages, the expressions to talk about it are different. Here you have some quite  colloquial Hispanic ones  referring to some pleasant events, and not so pleasant ones, of living love.


Match these expressions up with meaning, you can use a dictionary to find the meanings:

Poner cuernos:  __________.

Sentir un flechazo: ___________.

La media naranja: ___________.

Cortar con la pareja: ___________.

Tener el corazón roto: ___________.

  1. Sentirse mal normalmente después de romper.
  2. Romper la relación.
  3. Enamorarse.
  4. Ser infiel.
  5. La pareja perfecta.