Courtesy expressions in spanish

For your daily communication with Hispanics, and of course if you want to give a good image at a meeting with your fiancé’s or fiancée’s family, or at a work meeting; you must learn different expressions of courtesy.

We have many that you can alternate to look really human. Start with these.

Match up the sentences with the way they are used:


¡Hombre, María! ¿Qué tal? / Maria! How are things?

Mira, éste es Pedro. / This is Pedro.

Deja, ya pago yo. / No, no. It is on me.

¡Hasta otra! ¡Nos vemos! / See you.

¡Laura! ¿Puedes venir un momento, por favor? / Laura! Can you come here a moment, please?


Llamar a alguien. / To call someone over.

Despedirse / To say goodbye.

Saludar. / To say hello.

Presentar a alguien. / To introduce someone.

Invitar a alguien. / To treat someone.