You are like a cow. What does it mean?

In all languages there are proverbs, expressions and set phrases. There are not always equivalent phrases in languages, but what is certain is that many coincide in using analogies with animals.

Why with the animals? Is it because the poor cannot defend themselves? Or maybe it’s because they show their personality traits more openly than humans, without any filter.


Match up these expressions with their definitions:

Estar como una vaca

Estar como una cabra

Ser un gallina

Ser un burro

Estar como un toro


Significa estar fuerte                             It means to be strong

Significa ser tonto                                 It means to be dumb

Significa estar gordo o gorda                It means to be fat

Significa estar loco o loca                     It means to be crazy or crazy

Significa ser un cobarde                       It means to be a coward