When is ACCUSING, PROMISING, or PROPOSING used in Spanish?

Some verbs are widely used in similar contexts, but could cause confusion when expressing your particular ideas.

To better understand the function of these three verbs, identify their intentions clearly. These verbs are used to report things said by other people.

Say what they are doing in the sentences using these expressions with a gerund: está acusando, está prometiendo, está proponiendo (he is accusing, he is promising, he is proposing)

¿Qué les parece si vamos este fin de semana a la playa?

Fuiste tú el culpable de que Laura no viniera con nosotros.

De verdad que no volverá a pasar, te lo prometo.

¿Por qué no vamos a tomar un poco de vino tinto?

No te escondas porque sé que tú lo hiciste.