Relative phrases in Spanish to talk about the house

In this exercise we not only provide you with household vocabulary, you can also observe in all the sentences a very peculiar structure to describe. These are relative phrases, some of them are with prepositions and others without prepositions. These types of structures are important to practice doing repetitions to mentalize them.

Say which part of the home we are referring to: bedroom, living room, kitchen, hallway or garage (bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, passage, garage):


Es la parte en la que nos relajamos sentados y vemos la tele: __________.

Es la estancia en la que dormimos habitualmente por la noche: ___________.

Es el lugar en el que preparamos la comida para ser servida: ___________.

Es la parte de la casa en la que guardamos el coche y las herramientas: ___________.

Es la parte de la casa que comunica las diferentes estancias: ___________.


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Latinoamérica. Calle 13

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