Carla Méndez Losi. Molecular biologist, breast cancer survivor

In this listening comprehension practice, we spoke with Carla Méndez Losi in the framework of the month of fight against breast cancer.

Carmen is a Venezuelan molecular biologist, coach, chef, entrepreneur and plant lover. After being diagnosed with cancer, her scientific exploration focused on the health produced by emotions, physical action and food. From San Sebastián, Spain, where he now resides, he tells us about the power of the word and communication as a healing mechanism.

To reflect, we share some of the words that Carmen considers healing.
– Gracias
– Perdón
– Amor
– Compasión
– Empoderamiento

What other word can you think of?

Leave us your comments in Spanish, and remember you can practice as many times as you want with this and other videos on our #youtube 🎧 channel.