How to use the verb DESAYUNAR

DESAYUNO is the Spanish name for the first meal of the day and we also use the word as a verb to name the action. DES-AYUNO is a literal translation of BREAKFAST, which means to break the fast.


In Spanish we also have the action, the verb DESAYUNAR.


With this image of the Venezuelan Creole breakfast, we practice the verb DESAYUNAR.


Este domingo __________________ arepas con caraotas negras.

Los domingos, yo ______________ después de las 10 de la mañana.

Mi mamá _______________ arepas con queso y carne mechada.

Mis hermanos _____________ con huevos revueltos.

Nos gusta mucho ____________ los domingos en familia.


And what do you like to have for breakfast on Sundays?