How to say “be for” or “against” in Spanish

Estar a favor o en contra

Knowing about two opposite expressions in their contexts or examples will make you able to use them fluently. We know students learn and know vocabulary,  but they do not use it. They do not incorporate it into their dialogues  because they do not feel sure of it. Promoting intended expressions for use is always helpful. In addition, there is vocabulary that can mean the same thing and it is easier to learn. Usually students always resort to the same thing, but in this way they do not enrich the vocabulary. Instead of saying I think it’s good, or I think it’s not good, dare to say: ESTOY EN CONTRA, I’m against it or  ESTOY A FAVOR,  I’m for it.


Di si estás a favor o en contra de estas afirmaciones:

Yo estoy  ____________ de que suban los impuestos.

Yo estoy ______________ de que haya guerras y la gente se mate sin razón.

Yo estoy _______________ de que haya tanto paro.

Yo estoy________________ de que se protejan las especies en peligro de extinción.

Yo estoy _______________ de que aumenten los sueldos.