How to express rejection or appreciation in Spanish

Expresar rechazo o aprecio

Distinguishing and learning verbs with opposite meanings  in their contexts or examples, will make you able to use them fluently.

We know students learn and know vocabulary, but they do not use it. They do not incorporate it into their dialogues, and it is because they do not feel sure of it. Promoting intentional expressions for use is always useful. Even more  when it comes to emotions. Please, do not smile with a hateful face because they have confusing meanings.

Of these expressions, find which ones are used to express rejection or which ones to express appreciation.


De estas expresiones di cuáles se usan para expresar rechazo o cuáles para expresar aprecio: me gusta, me molesta, me fascina, me cabrea, me entusiasma, me encanta, me irrita, me apasiona, me fastidia, me indigna.













