How to express agreement or disagreement in Spanish?

It is true that you can know only one way to express an idea, a single word to say something. However, more than one way allows you, on one hand, to understand what another says because it is possible that he uses the form that is not in your record. And, on the other, to express your ideas more accurately  because although words or expressions are equivalent, most of the time they keep very small differentiating nuances from each other.

Respond with these different expressions to show agreement and disagreement: En absoluto, Ya será menos, Según se mire, Anda que no, Vaya que sí.

-India es uno de los países con más habitantes del mundo.________________

-En México no se bebe tequila._______________

-Se me cayó un vaso en el pie y casi me mato._____________

-¿Piensas que hará mucho frío este verano?_______________

-Las chicas estudian más que los chicos.______________