How do to say the time in Spanish?

Giving or asking for the time is usually easy to learn in Spanish if you remember these keys:

The question is always singular: ¿Qué hora ES? NEVER ¿Qué horas SON?

In contrast, the answer is always plural, except when it is one: ES la una y treinta (1:30) SON las dos en punto.

The exact numbers are not always said. Instead of saying it is 11:45, you can say Son las doce menos cuarto.It is 4:30, Son las cuatro y media.

In Spanish, the word TIME is feminine, so the article la or las is used. You must say son LAS tres en punto


We have more than one way to express the hours, but all of them follow this kind of rule.

Here you have examples. Check the structure:


11:15 – Son las once y cuarto.

16:50 – Son las cinco menos diez.

01:00 – Es la una en punto.

22:30 – Son las diez y media.

11:45 – Son las doce menos cuarto.