Good wishes expressions in Spanish

The use of the subjunctive is almost exclusive to subordinate clauses, however there are few usages in independent clauses. One of them is the expression of good wishes. ⭐

These expressions use the word QUE and then a subjunctive.

🎄 It is always a good time to express good wishes, but Christmas is undoubtedly the best; so…
✔️ Que pases un buen día.
✔️ Que te diviertas.
✔️ Que seas muy feliz.
✔️ Que te aproveche.
✔️ Que te vaya muy bien.
✔️ Que la pases bonito.
✔️ Que recibas muchos regalos.
✔️ Que tengas una Feliz Navidad.