Five questions you must learn in Spanish to walk around the city

There are languages that give more value than others to formal and informal records. That is why there are languages that have a resource for the record, another two, another three and even four others, all to distinguish the level of formality. Spanish is one of those languages interested in registers and differences in treatment. It is important to respect them because it is not a linguistic issue, it is a cultural one. The language only responds to the needs of distinction that society has. Say whether the following questions asking the way are formal or informal.

-Perdone ¿cómo se va a la calle Padilla?_______

-Oiga, por favor, ¿la calle Andrade?__________

-Perdona, ¿sabes dónde está la plaza Cataluña?_________

-¿Me puede decir cómo se va a la plaza Real?___________

-Oye, ¿para ir a la calle Londres?______