Do you know these concepts of “energy” in Spanish?

Many professionals from different areas related to energy learn Spanish. They say that it is necessary to carry out joint projects with the world’s professional and research world, but especially between North Americans and Hispanics. In today’s world, both communities of professionals join efforts to innovate, train and create solutions in favor of new energies.

Match up the forms of energy with their definitions:

Wind / Hydro / Nuclear / Solar / Tidal
It is the energy released in nuclear reactions.
It is obtained by capturing sunlight.
It is the energy obtained by taking advantage of the tides.
The energy is produced from water.
It is the energy that comes from the wind.


Eólica / Hidráulica / Nuclear / Solar / Mareomotriz
Es la energía que se libera en las reacciones nucleares.
Se obtiene mediante la captación de la luz del sol.
Es la energía que se obtienen aprovechando las mareas.
Energía que se produce a partir del agua.
Es la energía que proviene del viento.