Courtesy rules expressed in Spanish

En la mesa / At the table

Courtesy  manners are also very particular expressions of each culture.

For Hispanics, as in other cultures, table time is an ideal time to show courtesy to others. Learning expressions to use at that time will always be useful.


Here are some questions you might hear at the table, match them up with their answers:

¿Pero no vas a comer más? Are you not going to eat more food?

¿Te pongo un poco más de vino? Do you want some wine?

¿Me pasas la sal? Could you please pass me the salt?

¿Quién va a querer una copa? Who want a drink?

¿Abrimos otra botella de agua? Do we open another  bottle of water ?


No, gracias, he tomado dos copas. No, thank you, I already have drunk two glasses.

Sí, por favor, que tengo mucha sed. Yes please, I am thirsty.

A mí no me gusta beber el cava en un vaso. I do not like to drink Cava in a glass.

No, gracias, estoy lleno. No thank you, I am full.

Sí, claro, toma, aquí tienes.yes, of course. Here you have.